Tribute creation.

2012 May 27

Created by Pamela 11 years ago
I started to build my Tribute to my Mama today. I know she hasn't got much time left but I am so thankful that they let us bring her home. Aunt Margaret and Paul are here too. I sit in Mama's room with her and sometimes at night she will wake up and look over at the chair to see if I am still there. I whisper to her "I am here Mama if you need anything." She just smiles and goes back to sleep. It is so hard to understand how she can be so much alive and yet know that in just a few days her body will shut down and her life here on earth will end. We all cry when we try to talk about it and she says that makes her cry too then so we just enjoy the time we have by talking about the happier times of the past. But I can't help thinking how hard it is going to be without her. She has been the strength of our family for so many years. Someday, we will all be together again. I know this and so does she.